Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Common TAC Hotline Questions

When it comes to technical support, there aren’t many questions and problems we here at IT Express haven’t dealt with over the years. Our TAC hotline has seen and heard it all! Here are a few of the most common questions we’re asked.

Why is this blue screen appearing on my computer? I’m trying to get work done and this screen suddenly popped up!

This is a pretty common occurrence on Windows computers. Known as the “Blue Screen of Death” (or “BSOD”), this is an error message that pops up and will indicate there is a system failure of some sort. If you are one of our customers and get one of these blue screen errors, call our TAC hotline. Chances are, whoever answers your call will ask you to read what is on your screen and, from there, can probably troubleshoot the problem over the phone.

Why can’t I log into my computer/account?

Usually, this problem is resolved simply by making sure your caps lock key isn’t on! But if that isn’t the issue, one of our TAC hotline technicians can help figure out what is going on with your account.

Why is my computer overheating?

Normally when a computer overheats, it is because it needs a new fan or because it is dusty and needs to be cleaned. Our TAC hotline techs can help determine what the cause of your overheating problem might be and then offer a solution to help fix it.

Also, a common solution to many different computer problems is to simply reboot. All you have to do is go to your Start menu and click on Shut Down. From there, a message will pop up asking if you want to shut down, restart, etc. (On some PCs, Restart is an option in the Start Menu. This will vary from computer to computer and will also depend on what operating system you are running.)

So when you need IT services and more, including a 24/7/365 TAC hotline, call IT Express Services at 877-465-8556 or Contact Us.

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