Monday, April 15, 2013

Cisco Networking Equipment: New or Used?

Networks are comprised primarily of devices like routers, firewalls, VoIP, wireless products, switches, memory and modules. All of these come with significant expenditures, and while some might prefer to purchase new equipment, knowing these have guarantees, other opt for used Cisco networking equipment in order to curb costs. If you bought new, you might be wondering why you didn’t do choose used equipment.

Consider the following:
·         Used equipment typically can save the buyer 50-90% on prices compared to buying brand new.
·         Resellers who specialize in network equipment often have better customer service, so you are able to speak to them, and many don’t charge for technical support.
·         The most popular Cisco networking resellers provide warranties that stand up to any warranty from the manufacturer.
·         Since new equipment becomes used when the box is open, you can do some research to find out how many locations used the equipment prior to it becoming yours.
·         The best dealers of used Cisco equipment have already tested the products to provide the best equipment, which will help to save you from headaches.
·         When you buy equipment, you should avoid throwing it out once its outlived its use. Electronic equipment contains materials that hazardous and a threat to wildlife and the general environment.
·         Since you’re being practical, your boss will probably give you positive compliments on saving the company’s money.
·         Resellers offer other used network product solutions to ensure your network will have the best choice of your product.
·         Saved money can be used toward other necessary items within the company.

There are many reasons why you should think strongly about purchasing used Cisco networking equipment before buying all new products.

Have questions or need assistance? Give IT Express a call at 877-465-8556.

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